Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Deciding what to do in the face of an unexpected pregnancy is incredibly personal and challenging. You might have already considered and ruled out parenting because it’s a significant commitment, and perhaps your current life goals or circumstances don’t align with raising a child. 

However, you still have two important options to consider: abortion and adoption. Each path comes with its own set of considerations, and understanding both can help you make the best decision for yourself and your future.

It’s great to research, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our knowledgeable team at Desert Rose Women’s Resource Center can provide reliable information and resources. 

We can help you become fully informed while offering free pregnancy services. Contact us for compassionate and confidential support.  

When Considering Abortion

It’s critical to know the physical and emotional risks of abortion procedures, as well as the two available types: surgical and medical. 

Physical Risks of Medical Abortion

Medical abortion is the process of using drugs to terminate a pregnancy.

This procedure carries risks to your health, including:

  • The body not releasing all pregnancy tissue in the uterus–also called an incomplete abortion. This may require surgical treatment.
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive symptoms such as upset stomach

Physical Risks of Surgical Abortion

A surgical abortion uses a combination of drugs, medical instruments, and suction/vacuuming to remove a pregnancy and related tissue. 

The risks involved in a surgical abortion are:

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall (which can lead to unusual, absent, or painful menstrual cycles, future miscarriages, and infertility)
  • Infection

Emotional Risks

Both surgical and medical abortions carry the possibility of experiencing adverse mental health effects. 

Research indicates that abortion is consistently associated with higher rates of mental illness compared to women who have not undergone an abortion. The findings suggest that there is a consistent link between abortion and the development of mental health issues.

Thinking About Adoption

Adoption can seem challenging, as it requires you to carry your pregnancy to term, and it can be emotional to give your parental rights to another family.

However, the rewards can be great. Knowing that you’re giving a couple the chance to have a family when they might not have been able to can be comforting. Also, you can feel comfortable knowing you’ve placed your child in a loving home. 

You might think adoption is complex and rigid, but the modern adoption process has never been more flexible and full of options.

You can select the family, set the contact arrangements, and maintain confidentiality with various adoption plans. You may also receive assistance for pregnancy and adoption-related costs. 

Before You Decide

Talk with us at Desert Rose Women’s Resource Center to get a full picture of your options. We’ll learn about you and your situation in depth and inform you about your options. 

You don’t have to do this alone. We’ll walk with you to navigate the complexities of an unexpected pregnancy. 

Make a free and confidential appointment today.